Get to know African circus Group Amoukanama at AGT 2022

By Mayura Rajapaksha
July 22, 2022
5:59 GMT-0830
Get to know African circus Group Amoukanama at AGT 2022

Amoukanama is a Guinea-based circus group that got attention due to their breathtaking act on AGT season 17. The team is already in the next round, and the world is searching for them on the internet as they are a viral topic now. This article will explain the founder of the Amoukanama circus group, their journey on AGT, their career, social media, and more things you would know.

Amoukanama group members?

It is a fact that there is a gap between the African Circus and the European circus we would see. The meaning of the founder of the Amoukanama circus group is to overcome that problem. That is why there are Guinean and Belgium circus men in the group.

When coming to the members of the circus, Nathalie Vandenabeele is the Co-founder & Project Manager, Ballamoussa Bangoura works as the Co-founder & Secretary of the Organization, Alseny Sacko is  Co-founder & President and Technical Coach, and Nfa Moussa Soumah is working as the Advisor.

The team that took part in AGT consisted of several other members whose names we still don’t know. But, we know that Alseny or “Assenic,” Ballamoussa Bangoura, and Facinat Camara were in the team as they are the group’s leaders.

Get to know African circus Group Amoukanama at AGT 2022
Get to know African circus Group Amoukanama at AGT 2022

Who is the leader/founder of the Amoukanama circus group?

04 people lead the Amoukanama. They are Nathalie, Alseny or “Assenic”, Ballamoussa Bangoura , and Facinat Camara. The team was founded by these four in 2017. Alseny is from Conakry. He is a person who could claim the dance from childhood as Alseny was a full-time member in the local hip hop group Negro Radical.

Along with improved acrobatic skills, Alseny could get into a higher position and take part in international level competitions such as Afrika! Afrika! and Tagadart. He wanted to do something unique and did it along with the other three. More importantly, Alseny is the most famous team member besides being a leader.

Ballamoussa is also from Guinea. He had the heir to be a second-generation acrobat of Circus Baobab, one of the oldest circuses in Guinea. Ballamousa is also a part of the Conakry, an acrobat group in Matam, where he met other Hunienan colleagues of the  Amoukanama.

When it comes to Facinat, he is the latest member of the Amoukanama circus group. Since he was working with Cavalia abroad (Canada and China), other team members picked him up. Currently, Facinet is working as the coach and trainer of the team.

Nathalie Vandenabeele is the Belgium blood of the team. Although she is now interested in acrobats and circus stuff, she got educated in bio-engineering. She expected to discover more medicinal plants, and she ended up leading the Guinean acrobats.

She met Alseny Sacko in 2017 and formed the team after months of training. Then, they found more talented acrobats in Guinea. Along with her guidance, a few more acrobats have joined from Belgium, whose names we still don’t know.

What happened at America’s Got Talent auditions?

There were 12 acrobats on the GAT stage representing Amoukanama, all of whom were Guineans. They revealed to Simon that they had wanted to earn a large living in the African country they were living in. More importantly, they want to build a school for children. First, the team of acrobats performed a few ring stunts. They ensured that more than one stunt was being performed once.

Along with the dance moves, it was pretty impressive to see them all in their tasks. After setting up a ring tower one on the other, they did the same thing, jumping through. Amoukanama acrobats increased the height up to 12 feet and did the same thing again! Next was the best part of it.

The 12 acrobats made two teams, 06 into one, and did jump from various heights. Next, they made towers and jumped through them. Last, a building was made, and they all fell together perpendicularly.

That was the end of the act and the beginning of the scream of the judges. “It looked crazy when you guys fell down, and I loved it,” said Heidi. When it comes to Sofia’s comments, it was a super fun8 act, and there was suspense in every bit of the act”. According to Simon, it will be a nightmare to choose who is going to the finals and who is going to win. More importantly, they are in!

What happened to Amoukanama at the AGT semi-finals?

On America’s Got Talent Tuesday night live semi-finals Amoukanama performs to “Zapata” by Lil Saako Instinct Killers. They were able to impress the audience and the AGT judges and were selected to the top 5 voted acts. They were eliminated from the semi-finals because Golden Buzzer Avery Dixon and singer Drake Milligan were the top two acts.


The team  Amoukanama was one of the many teams in Guinea that performed acrobats and circus together. But, it was Nathalie who made the changes to the team and made it a bridge that connects African and European acrobat techniques.

After setting up with that thought in 2017, they have performed in various competitions and on several stages along with a specific diversity. That made the real career, and they have just started. 

Amoukanama net worth

Amoukanama’s net worth is around $50,000. Their stunts, acrobats, and circus skills have directly brought revenue. They are also influencing and sponsoring jobs locally with Social media and their official website. But, they are not bringing much revenue for them.

Social media

Amoukanama is on Instagram and Twitter. The team has 1039 followers on Instagram and just 05 followers on Twitter. However, they don’t have a YouTube channel yet. 


Where is the Amoukanama Circus group from?

They are from Guinea.

also read: The Brown Brothers AGT 2022 + Net worth and Facts