This Man Dropped 100 Million Seeds By Opening A Box In The Sky To Fight Deforestation!

This Man Dropped 100 Million Seeds By Opening A Box In The Sky To Fight Deforestation!

Brazilian sky driver Luigi Cani is famous for many stunts. He holds the record for skydiving with the smallest parachute. Also, a rather daring wingsuit- jumps into Mount Canyon using a motorbike. However, this 51-year-old’s most remembered stunt was performed to fight deforestation from the sky. To bring to attention deforestation in the Amazon rainforest,…

city of caral

Oldest City in Americas | 5000-year-old City of Caral!

Caral is situated deep within the desert landscapes of the Supe Valley in Peru. It challenges histories of human development by being the oldest known urban settlement in the Americas. The city of Caral, dating back 5,000 years, rewrites the book on ancient civilizations. Discovered at the end of the 20th century, this ancient city…

McDonald’s Gold Card Gives “Forever Free Meals” Billionaire Bill Gates Has One Too! (2)

McDonald’s Gold Card Gives “Forever Free Meals” | Billionaire Bill Gates Has One Too!

Have you ever wished you could have all the McDonald’s meals you wanted, any time? Just think of walking into any McDonald’s restaurant and having all the Big Macs, fries, and McFlurries you want without ever reaching for your wallet. According to Forbes, the McDonald’s Gold Card is a promotional tool and is not a…

The Sahara Desert Filled With Water After 50 Years!

The Sahara Desert Filled With Water After 50 Years!

The Sahara desert is one of the most arid areas in the world. However, in October 2024 it faced torrential rains rarely seen in its existence. It was after half a century that vast areas of desert were flooding. Two days of rainfall in October exceeded yearly averages in several areas of southeast Morocco and…

Is This Truly The End Of The World? The Coastal Steep Slope That Broke Australia And Antarctica Apart!

Is This Truly The End Of The World? The Coastal Steep Slope That Broke Australia And Antarctica Apart!

Imagine standing on the edge of a vast, flat landscape, only to suddenly find yourself at the top of towering cliffs. The cliffs plunge straight down into the ocean. This is the Bunda Cliffs, a geological wonder located on the southern edge of the Nullarbor Plain in South Australia. The steep slope of the cliffs…

9 Incredible Mirror Houses That Are Almost Invisible! (1)

9 Incredible Mirror Houses That Are Almost Invisible!

Architectural styles have evolved throughout history. The designs are becoming more and more unique every day. But people are still looking for ways to blend homes with nature. It is mostly due to aesthetic reasons and they are also looking at ways to build homes in difficult landscapes. One of the newest innovations in this…

The Water We Drink Is Over 3 Billion Years Old!

The Water We Drink Is Over 3 Billion Years Old!

Are we drinking the same water molecules that Dinosaurs drank nearly 200 million years ago? We all know the water on this planet is old.  It has been cycling through Earth’s systems for billions of years. Despite its continuous movement and transformation, the water molecules are old—dating back to Earth’s earliest formation. Now coming back…

These Garbage Collectors Opened A Library With Abandoned Books!

These Garbage Collectors Opened A Library With Abandoned Books!

In an innovative effort to promote literacy and provide a space for learning, a group of garbage collectors in Turkey transformed a collection of discarded books into a community library. They collected these books meant for landfills and filled a public library housed in their sanitation department in Ankara, Turkey. Initially, it was only allowed…

Youngest Woman to Visit Every Country in the World Including North Korea

Youngest Woman to Visit Every Country in the World Including North Korea

A 21-year-old YouTuber from California achieved an unlikely dream, beyond most of us. She became the youngest woman to visit every country in the world. And this includes the forbidding Hermit Kingdom aka North Korea. Lexie Alford managed to set the Guinness World Record in her quest. She traversed a total of 195 sovereign countries…