Woman Donated Husband's Body to Science But Ended Up Being Blown Up By Military! (3)

Woman Donated Husband’s Body to Science But Ended Up Being Blown Up By Military!

Imagine the shock and heartache of a wife when she discovered that her late husband’s body, donated to science, ended up being blown up by the military. Every year, around 20,000 people in the US choose to donate their bodies to science. Jill Hansen was one of those who decided to donate her husband, Steven Hansen’s body following the suggestions of the hospice. However, the body ended up being a “crash test dummy” in a simulated explosion. How is it possible for a body donated for research to end up there? Let’s have a closer look at their story.

The Practice of Body Donation in the US

In the US, about 20,000 people each year donate their bodies to science for research and education purposes. This practice is regulated in 47 out of 50 states by the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. The act sets the rules and standards for body and organ donations while ensuring informed consent is obtained from the donor or their loved ones. Despite these rules, there is a gray and black market of dead human bodies.

Steve Hansen wanted to be an organ donor. But after his death in 2012 from cirrhosis, his organs were considered unfit for donation. Hospice workers then suggested Jill donate his body to science. She agreed, thinking it would help researchers learn about the impacts of alcoholism.

“What I envisioned was him being in some medical facility. I just thought, what a great candidate for them to learn about the results of alcoholism and what it does to a body.”

Jill Hansen explained.
Image source: Joe. UK

From Science to Military

Steve’s body was initially transported to the Biological Research Center (BRC) in Arizona. Jill had no reason to suspect anything unusual at this stage.

Without Jill’s consent, BRC’s founder Stephen Gore sold Steve’s body to the Department of Defense. Steve’s body was then used in a military experiment as a crash test dummy in a simulated Humvee explosion.

“They told me specifically that my husband had been used as a crash test dummy in a simulated Humvee explosion.”

Jill later recounted.

Jill was devastated upon learning the true fate of her husband’s body.

I was devastated. I would’ve never done it if I had known. I just kept telling him I was sorry.”

Jill expressed.

Stephen Gore was arrested in 2014 after an FBI raid uncovered disturbing practices at BRC. Gore was sentenced to a year in prison and four years on parole. The incident led to the introduction of a body broker bill in 2022, aiming to federalize regulations on body donation. However, a vote date is still not set on this.

The Gray Market of Body Donation

Jill’s story highlights the existence of a gray and black market for dead human bodies, worsened by the lack of federal supervision. This market thrives on misinformed consent and lack of transparency in body donations.

Stricter regulations on body donation could ensure such tragedies don’t happen in the future. Future donors and their families need to have trust in the process. They should also know that their loved ones’ bodies will be treated with respect.


Jill Hansen’s story is a poignant reminder of the need for transparency and ethical practices in body donation. It encourages us to think critically about the decision to donate our bodies to science and to ensure we fully understand the implications. Maintaining trust and respect for donors and their families is paramount in this process.

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