Multivitamin Supplements: For Enhancing Your Overall Health

Most of us wonder why to consume multivitamin supplements when we can get nutrients from our food. Yes! You can get all the micronutrients especially from vegetables, fruits and nuts but the question is do you eat the right amount of nutritious foods?  Be it due to our busy schedule or we might not like the taste of a particular food, most of us miss eating a balanced diet. This is why our body requires multivitamin supplements.

Multivitamin supplements contain a number of micronutrients and each brand formulates different types of products as per the needs of individuals. As per a report by Disease Control (CDC), an adult must eat 1.5 to 2 cups of fruits and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables regularly. In a recent survey conducted by CDC, it was found that about 76% of adults do not eat enough of fresh fruits and around 87% of adults do not eat enough of vegetables. Now, if this is the scenario around the world, then how can our body get all the nutrients that are required for staying healthy? Multivitamin tablets/ capsules/ powder supplements are like insurance policy, that guarantee to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals to ensure that you stay healthy and fit. These supplements can help to make up  for the shortfalls that occur when you do not eat the right type of foods in the right quantity.

Let us check out some of the health benefits of using multivitamin supplements:

  • Multivitamin tablets that contain vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, etc. are the best thing to take to boost your immunity.
  • Calcium and vitamin D can help to boost your bone health.
  • Biotin supplements can help to enhance your beauty, especially your hair.
  • Collagen can be used for getting flawless skin.
  • Multivitamin supplements that contain ashwagandha and ginseng extracts can help to reduce stress, fatigue and more.
  • Vitamin B and iron enriched supplements can help in maintaining the haemoglobin level in your body.
  • Vitamin A rich supplements can help to improve your vision.
  • A lot of vitamins and minerals are good in maintaining heart health and one among them is Omega 3 fatty acid.
  • Folic acid supplements can help to prevent neurological tube defects in newborn babies and hence they are a must for all pregnant ladies.
  • Magnesium, potassium, omega 3 fatty acids, etc. can help to reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body and also  help to improve pressure levels.
  • A lot of micronutrients can also support muscle building and strengthening.
  • Multivitamins can also help to regulate your metabolism rate and help in healthy weight management.

Some of the best selling brands that offers top quality multivitamin supplements are:

  • HealthKart
  • TrueBasics
  • Fast & UP
  • NOW
  • HealthXp
  • Pharm Grade
  • Healthvit
  • FitUp Life
  • NutriLeon
  • Natures Velvet
  • Protein Scoop
  • 1Mg
  • FB Nutrition
  • Nutrition Planet

MinusCal is also one of the most well-known dietary supplement available on the market. If you are on a diet, and looking for a good and healthy suppliment, this one might boost you up.

Conclusion: Like we always say, each person is unique and the requirement of their body also varies. Therefore, always consider consulting a physician before starting any types of multivitamin supplements. A doctor can let you know which vitamin and mineral sources your body needs and also suggest you the right dosage.

Author BIO 

Name : Qubeh
Email Id : [email protected]
Website :

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