Johnny Depp lawyer Vs Amber Heard lawyer. Who is the best?

By Mayura Rajapaksha
May 27, 2022
5:49 GMT-0830
Johnny Depp lawyer Vs Amber Heard lawyer. Who is the best

Lawyers can make lots of controversial news, and they have proven in the past that they can. The latest controversial news the lawyers have made is being part of the Amber and Johnny Depp’s testimony, who have been fighting after their divorce.

Although Amber Heard won her last battle against Johnny Depp, Depp’s lawyer was able to make an impact the second time. Amber Heard’s lawyer has not relaxed either, as she is also putting lots of effort into the battle. This article intends to compare two lawyers who need to possess seven qualities as lawyers. Their lawyer qualities will be measured now, unlike any day in their law careers. 

Camille Vasquez 

She was born in Los Angeles, United States, in 1984. The lawyer has had her education at Southwestern Law School (2007–2010) and the University of Southern California (2002–2006). As the character who has been able to stand between Amber and Johnny, she has literally saved Johnny Depp’s back. Since she has been sincere in her work with Johnny, not only legal parties but Johnny Depp’s fans have become her fans at present.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Camille has been able to make things worse for Amber as well. Her cute face and awesome personality are some kinds of blessings as well.  

Camille Vasquez, Jhonny Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez
Camille Vasquez 

Elaine Bredehoft 

The rival of Camille is Elaine Bredehoft, who is appearing for Amber Heard. Elaine was born in the early 1960s. She has got her education at the University of Boston, and she has acquired a degree in arts as well. Elaine has been on active duty since 1984 in Government as well as private firms.

When considering the experience and the knowledge-like aspects, Elaine Bredehoft is among the top lawyers in Virginia. Those qualifications make her the best opponent for Mr Depp and Ms Elaine.

Elaine Bredehoft , Amber Heard's lawyer Elaine Bredehoft 
Elaine Bredehoft 
Camille Vasquez Elaine Bredehoft 
Full nameCamille M VasquezElaine Charlson Bredehoft 
Age3761-64 years
Birthday24th of July 1984N/A
BirthplaceLos Angeles, California, USAN/A
School Southwestern Law SchoolThe Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law
CollegeThe University of Southern CaliforniaThe University of Arizona
QualificationsGraduatedGraduate in Arts
Juris Doctor
FatherLeonel VasquezN/A
MotherMarilia VasquezN/A
SiblingsShari K VasquezN/A
Marital statesUnmarriedMarried
Jonny Depp Lawyer vs. Amber Heard Lawyer biograpghy

Comparison of Jonny Depp Lawyer vs. Amber Heard Lawyer

Every profession in the world has specified qualities each professional must maintain in the particular field. The hardest concepts, theories, customs, or traditions are induced through those specified characteristics. The particular professional in each profession must ensure that he/she maintains the qualities.

The maintenance of those qualities defines how strong the particular professional is going through. When it comes to the legal aspects, there are 07 qualities a lawyer must maintain all the time. Both Camille and Elaine have wanted those 07 qualities unlike any day in their law careers as the entire world is looking at them.

When the fans of both two personalities, Amber’s and Depp’s, are looking at these two lawyers, it is best to compare them from the perspectives of those 07 qualities. 

Good communication skills

Camille is a person who does lots of communication. It is visible that she asks questions and continues her questioning when the other person is silent. She asked the appropriate questions from Depp to show how innocent he was. When Amber was tired of the testimony, Camille kept questioning her. When Amber was trying to explain why she did not spend her 07 million USD on charities, Camille did the same thing.

The lawyer is considered a personality with good communication skills by the media and the public. That is why they ask questions of her. “Do you date Depp?” was such a question they asked, and she just smiled. 

Elaine is not as popular as Camille as a communicating person. But she has shown her maturity through her communication built with Amber, Depp, and the Judge. Although no matter how senior she is in the field, she shows respect to her young colleague, Camille.

When Elaine is questioning, she allows Camille to be involved or ask questions when it is usual. Although she asks for objections, that is done quite decently. 

Jhonny Depp in court
Jhonny Depp in court


Camille is making the right calls all the time. The proof is brought to your attention at the right time. However, it can be observed that some things have damaged the public image of Johnny Depp as well. His injured finger and lots of things have been brought to the attention despite the fact they can harm Depp’s career.

On the other hand, Elaine has been able to make the right judgments, although almost every one of the proofs is against Amber. Her judgment has allowed Amber to skip, and that is the real need for a better judgment as well. 

Analytical skills

Both the lawyers have got analytical skills as a sure thing. When considering Camille, she has analyzed lots of previous matters. Whether they are valuable or not, she has analyzed them. That is why Camille was able to develop a fight against Amber, who won last time as well. According to the scenes coming from the court, she seems to have analyzed every conversation Depp had with Amber. 

Elaine is not much of an analytical person, as Camille has not allowed that. Obviously, that must be the responsibility of a good lawyer as well. However, she does analyze that it has not been useful so far against the younger lawyer, Camille. 

Research skills

Camille has made pretty good points so far, which makes her the better researcher. She brought some photos, video footage, and voice proof to show how innocent Depp is. They have come to the attention as a part of her research capability as well. Amber’s other affairs, threesome, betrayal, and the injuries caused to Depp have come out as their researching ability, Camille. 

Elaine has been the tech guy who does research in regards to the law. Elaine has not gone outside much and done some digging into the legal background. What she has been trying to do is to find the legal points. However, that Is the only resort as Amber has not done as many good things as it seems. 

Amber Heard in court
Amber Heard in court

People skills

Between Camille and Elaine, Camille has got more relationships than it seems. Camille is a people person more than Elaine as she talks to her client, media, client, and to her colleagues. That has gone in favor of Depp as well. That is why Depp has been more confident as well. Elaine is a silent person and what she does is talk to her client, Amber, rarely. However, some people call it the courtesy given to her client, Amber, and she discusses the facts and matters outside the court. 


From the very beginning of the contest, Amber was way ahead, and Depp was much far behind. What has made the contest a close call right now is thanks to Camille’s perseverance. It is a known thing that some lawyers refused to be a part of the case as Depp could not make it to the winning point.

More importantly, Depp’s fans thought so. Camille made a difference, and the credit is all hers. She did fight, appeared for Depp, and made her sacrifices to get the contest so far. 

On the other hand, Elaine had perseverance. But it could be observed that she had not accelerated it when required. She was in front of the contest from the beginning, and she has not accelerated since then. Although her speed is the same, Camille’s acceleration has passed her. 


Camille asks the same question with so much of a difference, and that is creativity. Amber is confused, and the credit goes to Camille. More importantly, Camille has the ability to show that she asked the right question and it is all about being creative.

Camille has been a person who applies her creativity in many ways to her career. For example, she wears a white suit when every other person wears black. That makes her the unique person in the court.

When coming to Elaine, she has not been creative in many ways. But, proving some points, building up questions, and developing theories into reality has been her creative point. Even Camille has not been able to read her due to the uniqueness of Elaine’s creativity. 


This article has explained the careers of Amber Heard’s and Johnny Depp’s lawyers. The facts and the information that have been discussed in the article have been tried to state in a neutral position. The testimony is not yet over, and there will be lots more to know about these two lawyers. We will bring them to you as well. 

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