‘The Grizzly Man’ Who Spent 13 Summers With Bears In Alaska

‘The Grizzly Man’ Who Spent 13 Summers With Bears In Alaska | His Last Moments Caught On Camera!

Timothy Treadwell had a passion for living among the bears in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. His Alaskan Expeditions were awe-inspiring before things ended tragically. His miserable end came in October 2003 when a bear attacked and killed him and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard

Timothy had spent 13 summers observing and interacting with these majestic creatures, believing he had formed a unique bond with them. However, things went downhill when he was taken by the hands of what he adored the most. The horrifying details of his last moments were captured in audio recordings during the attack. Let’s have a look at the details of his story. 

The final days of the tragedy

In Septemeber 2003, Timothy put his camp close to a salmon stream where bears often feed during the autumn. The season is crucial as bears hunt for food to increase their body fat and prepare themselves for winter hibernation. There was also growing danger as unfamiliar bears moved into the area. However, they ignored it and stayed at Kodiak campsite from September to October with the hope of storing their gear. 

Things were all set for Timothy and Amie to go back to their home in California. Unluckily, they decided to extend their stay in the park for another week on September 29. During the trip, Timothy continued to chat with, play with, and even touch the bears.

After their scheduled departure on October 6 (a week after their initial departure date), Willy Fulton, a Kodiak air taxi pilot, arrived to pick them up from the campsite. Just hours before they were due to fly, no one was at the camp but a bear. The pilot quickly called the park rangers only to find out that they had been mauled to death by a bear. Sadly, Timothy and Amie’s mangled remains were located all over the campsite. 

Image source: MUBI

Last Moments and Words Captured

The park rangers also recovered a six-minute long videotape which tragically captured their terrifying last moments and words. Evidence shows that on October 5, house before they were about to leave, Timothy was attacked by the bear. At the time Amie was inside the tent while preparing snacks. With the loud screams growing Amy stayed inside the tent and turned on the camera.

Timothy’s last recorded words, “Come out here; I’m being killed out here,” were a chilling reminder of the tragic end. His girlfriend Amie’s loud cries can be heard in the harrowing clip. She keeps yelling “Hit the bear” and “Fight Back” repeatedly in the tape. She is also asking him to play dead. But nothing worked as the bear was not attacking them out of fear.

A large male bear (tagged Bear 141) and another adolescent bear were killed by park rangers during their mission to retrieve the bodies.

According to Amie’s final journal entries, she feared bears and felt very uncomfortable in their presence. The entries also indicated that Amie wanted to be away from Katmai.

Image source: Alaskan Magazine (Last photo of Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard)

The Man Who Flouted Rules

Despite his dedication, Treadwell’s methods were often criticized by wildlife experts and park officials. He frequently broke park rules by getting too close to the bears and interacting with them in ways considered unsafe by many. His high-profile appearances on television and in documentaries like Werner Herzog’s Grizzly Man elevated his status but also ignited debates about the ethics of wildlife conservation and human interaction with wild animals.

The Life of Timothy Treadwell

Timothy was born in Long Island, New York, and he is one of five children of Val Dexter and Carol Ann (née Bartell). He was a star diver during his school years. Since his young days, Timothy had a love for animals and even had a squirrel named Willie. He excelled at Bradley University and entered on a scholarship for swimming and diving. But things soon came downhill as he got himself addicted to alcohol and drugs. 

Timothy had a life-threatening battle with heroin addiction. He credited his miraculous recovery to his experiences with wild bears, which he felt gave him a new purpose in life. 

In his commitment to the bears, Treadwell found Grizzly People, an organization aimed at protecting bears and their habitats. Each year, he would spend summers in Katmai, living closely with the bears. Timothy documented everything with extensive video footage and photography.

Image source: Reddit / Scabardesa

The Grizzly Man’s Enduring Influence

Treadwell’s life and dramatic death have left a lasting impact on bear conservation and public attitudes towards wildlife. The documentary Grizzly Man, while controversial, has played a significant role in shaping his life and the complexities of human-wildlife interaction. Timothy also co-wrote the book “Among Grizzlies: Living with Wild Bears in Alaska” with Jewel Palovak. 


Timothy Treadwell’s story is a poignant example of the fine line between passion and peril. His dedication to bears was undeniable, yet his disregard for established safety guidelines ultimately led to his and Huguenard’s tragic deaths. This tale serves as a compelling narrative about the importance of respecting wildlife and maintaining a safe distance, reminding us that nature is as unpredictable as it is beautiful.

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