Everything about RCC Aruba Circus Company from AGT 2022

By Mayura Rajapaksha and Kushani Gunathilaka
July 29, 2022
4:59 GMT-0830
Everything about RCC Aruba Circus Company from AGT 2022

At 8:00 PM ET on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, on NBC‘s America’s Got Talent (AGT), RCC Aruba stunned the judges and the crowd with their fire act audition. The seven-member group‘s routine, which was praised by viewers at home, displayed their ability and accuracy.

Because the AGT contestants integrated dance into their performance, it was considerably more entertaining. They were one of many acrobatic acts that appeared on the talent show for Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Sofia Vergara to see.

Who is RCC Aruba?

They are members of a troupe that performs at Riu Antilles, Riu, Barcelo, and Tamarjin hotels. Aruba is enthusiastically represented by RCC Aruba at every show. For the acrobatic group, it’s all about pushing the envelope of what’s considered “entertainment.” A lot of their Instagram posts are pictures of their training and performances. RCC Aruba’s work frequently includes hand-balancing, hanging from ropes, and doing leaps. They are all part of the RCC Aruba experience.

Rcc Aruba Concerts and What They Are Doing Now?

The group is continuing its performances internationally and they expect to tour Europe in 2023. Another performance at the International Circus Festival awaits Aruba in September 2023. They also expect to proceed with their tour of “Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione” in France and Spain. Their concert tickets are available on Aruba Today.

Rcc Aruba Members

Rcc Aruba Members
Rcc Aruba Members
  • Diego Fernando Jaramillo
  • Yamila Hernandez Ramirez
  • Elsy Amparo Ospina Ramirez
  • Ralfp Puente
  • Oseas David Fernandez Gm Tea
  • J Fredy Martinez
  • Diego Sierra
  • Cristian Camilo Bedon
  • Jayleen Croes
  • Cindy Tovio
  • Grecia Perdomo Nolasco
  • Juan Camilo Aguillon Usaquen
  • Juan Rios
  • Valeria Guerrero

Who is the leader?

  • RCC Aruba is led by Diego Fernando Jaramillo.

What happened at America’s Got Talent auditions?

Having their own show in Las Vegas was their ultimate dream, so being on “AGT” was a great opportunity for them. You can’t provide that on a better platform. Everything else was contributed by the performers, including their own props.

That’s exactly right. They had a little setback prior to their “showstopper” performance when their props were misplaced, and they were left without them (see below). Seven guys and one woman from RCC Aruba arrived on the scene and seized the necessary equipment. The judges were concerned when they heard how they had lost their belongings in Atlánta.

The team was confident in their abilities because they had lived in Aruba for the last two decades and were originally from Colombia and Cuba, respectively. In order to put on their show, they needed a platform, a number of bounce houses, and a few hoops connected by long rods. Although nothing appeared to be safe, they were able to execute in a way that had never before been seen.

In charge, Diego Fernando Járamillo took the stage after the men had stripped off their shirts and taken their places on stage. Plаnks soon had guys leaping over hoops that they had made. The climax of the play occurred when Diego lights the hoops on fire and slams through them. 

In the AGT competition, RCC Aruba received four yeses from the panel of judges, and they are now progressing to the next round.


The RCC acrobatic team performed in Budapest, Hungary, from October to December 2021. The International Budapest Circus Festival, the third-largest international circus festival in the world, awarded RCC the bronze medal in January 2022. Defeating world-class artists from countries like Ukraine, Cuba, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, and the United States was a historic first for the troupe. In addition to the bronze medal, the RCC got a special award. This honor was bestowed on the most well-liked group by a well-known circus family.

Numerous invitations to play at the RCC came from international circuses soon after. The Hippodrome Circus in London will host them for the first three months of their 2022 tour. A new International Circus Festival will host them in September 2023, and they’ll kick off their tour with the Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione in Paris the following October. The Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione was inaugurated by Napoleon III Bonaparte’s only son, Prince Louis-Napoléon.

RCC Aruba’s net worth

They have kept their wealth a secret from the regular populace.

Social Media


Where is RCC Aruba Circus company from?

While the Rhythm Circus Company has its home base in Aruba, several of its members are originally from Colombia.

also read: Meet Aerial Act Duo Mico’ Max and Carolina from AGT 2022