burger king sponsored wedding

First and Only ‘Burger King’ Sponsored Wedding | The Couple Tied The Knot In A “Whopper of A Wedding”!

Falling in love is magical but the day you tie the knot with your other half is even more special. But for a couple in the US, their special day got even better. Joel Burger and Ashley King, a couple from New Berlin, Illinois, didn’t share a deep affection for each other. But also their combined surnames echoed the name of one of the world’s most famous fast-food chains, “Burger King.” Their union was first and only “Burger King sponsored wedding” in history. Their wedding reached headlines all across the media and gained a lot of attention from the public.

Burger King actively supported the couple in creating “a whopper of a wedding.” They went on to pay for the event and even offered branded swag. Let’s have a closer look at their story.

The Serendipitous Meeting of Burger and King

Joel Burger and Ashley King met in kindergarten. Growing up in the small town of New Berlin, they quickly became friends. The years at school together, during community events, and through social circles developed their friendship. By high school, the friendship had blossomed into a romance that friends and family warmed up to.

burger king sponsored wedding
Image source: Yahoo

People never ceased to make jokes about their last names. Friends and teachers alike found it hilarious that “Burger” and “King” were attached at the hip. The two took it all in stride. They have been known to take pictures next to Burger King signs and then post them on social media. This playful recognition of their combined names has been a light-hearted touch for the two.

Popping the Question and Reaching Out to Burger King

When Joel finally proposed, he knew it had to be special. He set up a very emotional proposal to which Ashley gladly said, “Yes.” Since they started planning the wedding, the notion of their “Burger-King” union had been sort of a refrain among them. Friends were even suggesting getting the fast-food chain involved in celebrating the occasion.

Inspired by this idea, Joel and Ashley, contacted Burger King’s corporate headquarters. They wrote an email, explaining their strange situation, attaching photos of themselves with Burger King signs. They also asked their permission to use the company’s logo on their wedding favors.

burger king sponsored wedding
Image source: dailymail.co.uk

Much to their surprise, Burger King was super stoked. They loved the tale of Joel Burger and Ashley King. Recognizing a killer PR opportunity when they saw it, Burger King offered up sponsoring the entire wedding. The couple was floored. Their very private love story was about to go very public as literally the first and only “Burger King-sponsored wedding.”

Burger King: Planning a “Whopper” of a Wedding

Sponsoring the wedding by Burger King gave it a whole new turn in its planning. The company wasn’t giving only money but with their contribution emerged creative ideas to make this event memorable. They celebrated the love between Joel and Ashley, entwining into it the fun of connection to the Burger King brand. The invitations introduced the iconic Burger King logo, playfully revised to include the names of the couple. The color theme of the party also reflected the corporate colors, namely red, blue, and gold. Burger King crowns were given to the guests to use during the reception for light moments.

The pièce de résistance was, of course, the menu. Keeping the wedding feast classy, the couple tacked on gourmet versions of Burger King classics: Whopper-sized sliders, fries in branded containers, and even a special sauce bar. The wedding cake was showstopping multilayered concoction designed to look exactly like a giant burger, complete with fondant lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes.

The Big Day: A Celebration to Remember

On July 17, 2015, Joel and Ashley led the commitment ceremony in front of family and friends. They held the event in their hometown to reflect the roots and community that shaped their lives. The event was full of joy, laughter, and a touch of whimsy because of elements involving Burger King.

The photographers captured tender moments as the couple enjoyed themselves under an arch custom-made with Burger King branding. Even the bridal party played along with the bride and bridesmaids, grooms and groomsmen alike-showcasing their hidden hints toward the theme through their attire. The reception was rather rowdy, filled with music and dancing, and lots of options for guests to take pictures while wearing their Burger King crowns.

burger king sponsored wedding
Image source: dailymail.co.uk
Image source: dailymail.co.uk

The “Burger King-sponsored wedding” was anything but an act of corporatism; it was a deeply meaningful joining of two individuals whose love story meant something to so many. Joel and Ashley kept their coupledom front and center, the genuine love of the day oozing from every part.

Media Attention and Public Reaction

News of the wedding spread pretty quickly well outside New Berlin. The unusual tale was enough to draw a string of media interest: ABC News, The Daily Mail, New York Daily News and TODAY are among those who ran stories, including interviews with the happy couple. Social media went abuzz with the hashtag #BurgerKingWedding as people from every corner of the globe shared in the excitement.

The public was overwhelmingly positive. Many thought the story refreshing-a welcome break from typical news. Comments praised the couple for being down-to-earth, applauded Burger King for involvement. The “burger king sponsored wedding” went virally nuts in the way only a simple coincidence could bring joy to so many.

Life After the Whopper Wedding

After the wedding was over, Joel and Ashley were grateful for the sponsorship they got. Later, it dawned on them that the sponsorship brought a whole new level of fun in their wedding, but it had been all about them and their commitment to each other, anyway. The couple remained in New Berlin, always living on memories and a story they would later tell their children.

Image source: dailymail.co.uk

This wasn’t where Burger King’s role stopped: well after the wedding day, the brand had stayed in close, friendly contact with them, sending anniversary gifts from time to time and asking how they did. It was this continued contact that gave a very particular dimension to the “burger king sponsored wedding” legacy.


Joel Burger and Ashley King are the fairytale version of how life delivers some sweet surprises. From that “burger king-sponsored wedding,” very few moments in a lifetime match the commitment of love, community, and the delight that comes from embracing quirkiness.

Their journey tells us that sometimes the best stories come from unlikely mixes. Joel and Ashley tugged at hearts everywhere as they shared their tale. It wasn’t just a brand wedding; it was really about the lifetime commitment between two individuals with extra flavor.

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