The Zombie Fungus From "The Last Of Us" Is Real | It Takes Control of Spiders and Insects!

The Zombie Fungus From “The Last Of Us” Is Real | It Takes Control of Spiders and Insects!

If you’ve ever played the video game “The Last of Us” or watched the HBO show adaptation, you know it depicts a post-apocalyptic world where humans are fighting to survive against a terrifying fungus that turns people into zombies. But no one would dare to believe that the zombie fungus from “The Last Of Us” is real. However, the show’s creators based this idea on a real-life fungus that has a kind of “mind control” over its insect hosts. It is called the “zombie-ant fungus.” The fungus raises many fundamental questions regarding how it infects a host’s body and whether or not humans are infected. Let’s explore the details.

The Real Zombie Fungus

Meet the real-life inspiration: Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, also known as the “zombie-ant fungus.” This fungus infects insects, particularly ants, and spiders, and compels them to do its bidding. It might sound like something out of science fiction, but this is very much a real phenomenon that has fascinated scientists for years.

Image source: The Colombus Dispatch

What is Ophiocordyceps unilateralis?

Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a type of fungus that plays a unique role in its ecosystem. While most fungi are content breaking down dead organic matter, this one has a more sinister approach to survival. It infects insects, drains their nutrients, and eventually takes over their bodies. The infected insects become “zombies” under the control of the fungus, which uses them to spread its spores and infect more insects.

Image source: Best ants UK (An infected ant with a unilateral fruiting body)

Mechanism of Infection

So, how exactly does this zombie fungus take over its hosts? When Ophiocordyceps infects an insect, it first drains it of all its nutrients. Then, it starts filling the insect’s body with spores. But the creepiest part is how it manipulates the insect’s behavior. The fungus somehow compels the infected insect to climb to a high point—like a leaf or branch—where it latches on tightly. This high vantage point is perfect for releasing its spores into the environment, maximizing the chances of infecting other insects nearby.

The “mind control” aspect is what makes this fungus truly fascinating. Bryn Dentinger, a biology professor at the University of Utah and curator of mycology at the Natural History Museum of Utah, mentioned that scientists still aren’t completely sure how the fungus achieves this control.

“There seems to be some combination of physical manipulation of muscle fibers, for example, possibly growth into the brain itself, that can impact its behavior. But there’s also very likely some sort of chemical attack on the host, either small molecules, or proteins or some other things, that end up manipulating brain behavior.”

Bryn Dentinger, (Biology professor at the University of Utah and curator of mycology at the Natural History Museum of Utah)

Differences Between the Real Fungus and ‘The Last of Us’

While the show “The Last of Us” is inspired by this real-life fungus, there are some notable differences. In the show, the fungus infects humans through the mouth and connects all infected individuals through a network, much like a hive mind. However, in reality, Ophiocordyceps does not infect humans, nor does it connect its hosts in this way. The creative liberties taken in the show are purely fictional and not reflective of how the fungus behaves in the real world.

“The fungus cannot infect humans. Our body temperatures are high enough that most organisms, their proteins would denature at that temperature and so they can’t survive in our bodies.”

Biology professor, Bryn Dentinger.

How Does the Fungus Control Its Hosts?

Physical Manipulation

Researchers like Dentinger have proposed several theories about how the fungus controls its hosts. One idea is physical manipulation—where the fungus may directly affect the muscles of its host, causing the insect to move in specific ways. It could also invade the brain of the insect, exerting control over its movements and behaviors.

Chemical Influence

Another theory suggests a chemical influence, where the fungus releases certain molecules or proteins that can alter the host’s brain chemistry, effectively “reprogramming” the insect’s brain to follow the fungus’s commands. This area is still under research, with scientists working to understand the exact mechanisms behind this mind control.

Image source: Reddit / Owlcation

Case Studies and Observations

There have been numerous real-life observations of Ophiocordyceps and its chilling effects on ant and spider populations. Infected ants, for example, have been seen leaving their colonies and climbing plants to die, a behavior that’s perfect for the fungus to spread its spores. These behaviors are so specific and consistent that they’ve been well-documented by biologists who study this remarkable—and somewhat terrifying—fungus.

Can Cordyceps Infect Humans?

One of the big questions people have after learning about the zombie-ant fungus is whether it could ever infect humans. The answer, for now, is no. According to Dentinger, the reason Ophiocordyceps can’t infect humans is due to the differences in our body temperatures and physiology. However, he also warns that climate change might change this. “Climate change, as Dentinger explains, is equipping certain fungi with the capacity to withstand higher temperatures.” This means that in the future, it’s theoretically possible that a fungus could evolve to survive in human body temperatures, though this remains a distant possibility.

There are already fungi that affect human mental processing, like psilocybin mushrooms, commonly known as “magic mushrooms.” These fungi don’t control people in the same way as Ophiocordyceps do with insects, but they can definitely alter perceptions and behavior. And let’s not forget yeast, another fungus that plays a much more benign role in human life, helping to make bread rise and contributing to our gut health.

Zombie fungi have long captured the imagination of the public, inspiring books, movies, and TV shows like “The Last of Us.” There’s something about the idea of mind control—whether through a fungus or any other means—that taps into deep-seated fears and curiosities. In many cultures, there are historical references and legends about plants, fungi, or other natural elements having supernatural powers. These stories often explore themes of control, loss of free will, and the boundary between life and death, resonating with people like our audience persona, Alex Rivera, who is fascinated by folklore and local legends.

Environmental Scientist’s Perspective

From an environmental scientist’s perspective, understanding fungi like Ophiocordyceps is crucial not only for its spooky implications but also for its role in biodiversity and ecosystems. Fungi play essential roles in ecosystems, breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients. Studying them helps us understand how life on Earth has evolved to use every possible niche. With climate change and shifting environments, the role of fungi and their potential impacts on both ecosystems and human health could change, making it a field worth watching closely.


To sum up, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a real-life fungus that has developed the incredible ability to control the behavior of its insect hosts, and while it inspired the terrifying scenario in “The Last of Us,” it currently poses no threat to humans. However, ongoing research into fungi and their effects on both insects and potentially humans continues to reveal fascinating, and sometimes alarming, new details. As we learn more about these incredible organisms, who knows what other secrets might come to light?

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