When Should You Contact a Motorcycle Injury Lawyer?

When Should You Contact a Motorcycle Injury Lawyer?

Unlike other automobile drivers, motorcyclists are more vulnerable to severe injuries in case of accidents due to the lack of airbags, protection shells, or any other safety features that other automobiles have. As a result, even a minor accident can result in fatal injuries.

The immediate aftermath of such accidents can be devastating, considering the injuries obtained, medical bills, or even having to take some time off work. Under such circumstances, lodging insurance claims from your company or fighting your case in court is the last thing you wish to go through.

So, suppose you are a motorcyclist who has suffered damage, injuries, lost insurance claims, or looking for a better settlement from your insurer; this is when to contact a motorcycle injury lawyer.

When your insurance company denies your claim

Cases of insurance companies denying accident claims are not new. Insurance companies have denied many motorists and motorcyclists their claims due to one reason. When faced with such a situation, you must seek the help of a motorcyclist injury lawyer immediately.

When an insurance company denies your claim after an accident, fighting back for compensation often takes a longer route than expected. Without the help of a motorcycle accident lawyer, you risk losing the court battle. A motorcycle accident lawyer will take you through your legal options and can press for legal action where necessary.

When evidence is difficult to collect.

After an accident, you are more likely to get injuries, and gathering evidence of the accident is never your priority. Much of the evidence will not be in place by the time you recover and think about pursuing insurance claims. This is because the roads are often cleared for other traffic, and because motorcycles are small compared to cars, it can be hard to collect evidence by looking at them.

However, motorcycle accident lawyers can use their experience and resources to collect evidence even after the roads have been cleaned up. They can do so by tracing video footage, eyewitnesses or even reconstructing the whole accident scene with the help of an accident scene reconstructionist.

When your injuries have led to your disability

Motorcycle accidents can be so severe that they render some people permanently disabled in most cases. It’s a traumatic experience that can sometimes send your life off the track, and you may need some assistance to navigate through it.

In such a situation, you are entitled to compensation, and the process of acquiring it is not a walk in the park, especially when you are disabled and can’t do certain things on your own. As a result, you will need a team of experienced motorcycle injury lawyers to pursue compensation claims on your behalf.

When road conditions are a factor to consider in an accident

Potholes, road debris, or engineering faults by a road contractor have also significantly contributed to accidents. However, explaining in a court of law how the poor condition of the roads or neglect by road contractors contributed to the accident is not easy.

Moreover, the government is often responsible for the road you are using. Taking on such entities in a court of law on your own can be an uphill task. Working closely with a motorcycle injury lawyer can help take the weight off your shoulder.

When negotiating is a challenge.

Negotiating for anything can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have negotiating skills. Fighting for your insurance claim from big companies can equally be a hard nut to crack, especially when suffering severe injuries. Trying to negotiate offers and counteroffers while talking to insurance companies without weakening your case is inevitable.

But because motorcycle injury lawyers are versed with experience in handling motorcycle accident cases, they will negotiate on your behalf and get you the best compensation offers.

When insurance companies are trying to be biased

Unlike motorists, there is a preconceived notion by many people about motorcyclists. They are deemed to be irresponsible and reckless when riding on the roads. Insurance companies, too, are not left out of this bandwagon. They always assume that motorcyclists are partially responsible for the accidents and injuries.

Indeed, this is irrational and unfair to motorcyclists filing for damages and personal injuries claims. In this case, hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you present a detailed account of the accident occurrence.

When insurance companies try to reduce your payments

Most insurance companies tend to lean against motorcyclists and often try to avoid maximum compensation because they believe they are partially responsible for the accident and injuries obtained.

At this point, hiring a motorcycle injury lawyer is essential. Your legal team can gather evidence and prove beyond reason that the accident was not a result of negligence. This way, you will be able to receive total compensation.

To wrap it up!

Accidents are unpredictable, especially when riding a motorcycle. A single accident can result in fatal injuries or even permanent disability. Under such a situation, pursuing insurance companies for compensation can be a daunting task. It’s advisable to seek legal assistance before things get out of hand. Without proper representation, uncompensated accident claims can ruin your financial status and put your life off track. There is no reason why you should suffer when your motorcycle lawyer can help you win your case.

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