As A Victim of a Crime, You May Be Entitled to Compensation

As A Victim of a Crime, You May Be Entitled to Compensation 

Nearly every country has drawn up a penal code in which all of the criminal law can be found. Great Britain is said to have an unwritten constitution, and to a certain extent, it’s true. It’s largely written but in different documents. The legal systems rooted in English law have diverged from the parent system so much that, in many areas, they differ from one another. Great Britain and the United States have so many legal differences that they’re sometimes characterized as two countries separated by a common law. 

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The US criminal law is an exhaustive legal system aimed at protecting society and maintaining order, covering various aspects of unlawful conduct and providing guidelines for police forces, prosecutors, and courts. Criminal law addresses crimes against public peace, safety, morals, and welfare. It’s implemented at the state and federal levels, therefore creating analogous sets of laws that, at times, match or contradict one another. Determining what represents a crime involves an examination of the relevant provisions of the penal code or statutory provisions.  

Have You Been the Victim of a Crime? Where Can You Get Help?

Generally speaking, a crime is an act regarded as socially harmful or dangerous, causing physical or psychological harm, damage to or loss of property. There are various types of wrongdoings, and nearly everyone will experience crime at one point or another, as it affects people from all backgrounds, locations, and ages. Victims of violent crime sustain challenges that are unique to their experience and require assistance during all stages on their road to recovery. A victim of crime is a person who has suffered harm, including physical and mental injury. It can be a child, parent, dependent or spouse.

It goes without saying that victims have a right to protection under the law, free from all forms of harm. Many of these rights are contained in the penal code that establishes a set of principles to support victims of crime throughout the justice system. The most important thing to do if you’ve been the victim of a crime is to report it to law enforcement authorities; they’ll take your statement, ensure you’re safe, and charge the accused if there’s sufficient evidence. Following a violent crime, get yourself checked by a doctor, even if you’re okay. 

If a criminal offense has been committed against you, leaving you injured or with lost/damaged property, you may be able to take legal action and claim compensation. Victim compensation programs in the United States vary depending on the state as opposed to the program in Great Britain, which is administered nationally. If you’re longing to find out how much to ask for in a criminal injury claim, a compensation calculator can shine a light on your situation. To be considered for financial compensation, regardless of location, you must apply within two years of the incident happening. Compensation is awarded for physical injuries, disabling mental injuries, sexual or physical abuse, the death of immediate family, etc. 

You don’t need to be represented by an attorney to apply for compensation, so you can do it yourself if you wish. Nonetheless, it’s not advisable to make your own claim because, depending on how complicated the case is, you may require legal advice. Many compensation claims are rejected due to technicalities. If you have a lawyer by your side, you have guarantee your claim is accepted, and you receive just compensation. In some cases, your application may be considered if going to the police wasn’t possible, yet check with the authorities for more information. 

As soon as a decision on your claim is reached, you’ll be sent an email notification. A caseworker will examine your case and decide whether more information is needed, such as medical evidence. You may even be asked questions about the incident and your injuries. Attention must be paid to the fact that each application is considered carefully, taking into consideration the relevant legislation. The time it takes to process the application depends on whether the case is still before the courts or whether information about your case is hard to obtain. If your application for compensation is denied, you can make a written request for a new hearing. 

The Amount of Compensation Depends on The Circumstances of The Case

Recovery time, long-term damage, and the extent of the criminal injuries are reviewed when granting compensation. The caseworker will also consider any money paid to you, such as benefits from your employer as a result of the crime. The amount of compensation you stand to receive will be diminished, or you’ll receive no damages at all if you were partly or entirely to blame for what happened. The financial settlement is dependent upon all the circumstances of the case, not just one factor. Examples include but aren’t limited to personal injuries with short-term or long-term effects, stolen or damaged property, and the death of the victim due to/not due to the criminal injury. 

If you’re unhappy with the resolution, you can request a review, which can be made within three months from the date of the first ruling. Equally, you can appeal the decision, but you may need to provide additional evidence you wish to consider in support of your claim. As you can imagine, the review decision can be more or less favorable compared to the original ruling, or the original resolution may be unchanged. Even if you don’t have the capacity to manage your own affairs, the application will continue to advance until there’s someone in place with legal authority to act on your behalf.  

Concluding Thoughts 

Being a victim of a violent crime can be an emotional and difficult time, but with therapy, it’s possible to overcome this unfortunate situation. If your application for compensation isn’t lodged within the specified time frame, you must provide a dated, signed statement for an extension time. You’re entitled to compensation for the loss you’ve suffered, so provide a detailed explanation of how your day-to-day life was affected by the crime.

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