What happened to Olivia Lynes at Britain’s Got Talent?

By Mayura Rajapaksha
May 29, 2023
10:17 GMT-0830
What happned to Olivia Lynes at Britains Got Talennt

Olivia Lynes is an 11 years old singer featured on Britain’s Got Talent 2023 from Bath, England, UK. She received Amanda Holdens’ Golden Buzzer for her outstanding performance sending her directly to the semifinals. 

What happned to Olivia Lynes in BGT


In her audition, Olivia performed “Defying Gravity” by Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth and got a standing ovation from the judges and the audience. She got Amanda Holden’s Golden Buzzer in the audition.

I’ll be you send me literally flying, everything you said touched me, you are a singing miracle my darling. 

Bruno Tonioli

I wasn’t expecting to do that, I always go on how I feel in my heart and everybody was on their feet and you truly deserve that moment Olivia I felt so proud of you,

Amanda Holden

Olvia Lynes Age & Other Biography Facts.

Olvia was born in 2012 in Bath, Somerset, UK, and is now 11 years old as of May 2023. She has dark brown hair and her eyes color is brown. She has European descent and British nationality. As an 11 years girl, she is still schooling.

Olivia Lynes Parents

Olivia’s dad Paul is a laundry worker and her mother’s name is Melisa. Her parents Melisa and Paul are 29 and 30, respectively, and both are British. 

So to sum it up

It’s not so easy to become a golden buzzer in Britain Got Talent. By receiving Golden Buzzer Olivia directly send to the semifinals and we can her live performance again.