Imagine learning that all the U.S. Presidents, except for one, are related and share a common ancestor who happened to be a king in England. BridgeAnne d’Avignon, a 12-year-old middle schooler from the Bay Area, made this unexpected discovery. She did extensive research for over two years. Her results revealed that all but one of the American Presidents are related to King John of England!
The same King John is known for his role in the Magna Carta and as the villain in Robin Hood tales. BridgeAnne’s study ran to the roots finding connections involving over 500,000 names. This revelation aligns with another surprising theory regarding the presidential lineage called the “most royal candidate theory.” Let’s dive in and learn more about the facts that support the theory.
Where It All Started: The Journey of Discovery
BridgeAnne from Vista Christian School in Watsonville, started the research as a personal project to trace her family back to France. However, it quickly evolved into an expansive study. She studied the roots and ancestry of presidents with her grandfather’s assistance. To everybody’s surprise, she uncovered a presidential lineage intertwined with royal blood!
Their methodical approach, which included tracing both male and female family lines, allowed them to connect 42 out of 43 U.S. Presidents (until 2012) to King John. King John of England is popular as the villain in the stories of Robin Hood. King John also marked history with the Magna Carta in 1215, which allowed the formation of the British Parliament.
This remarkable finding was previously thought impossible due to traditional genealogical methods focusing only on male descendants.
Unraveling Presidential Lineages
BridgeAnne spent months digging through over 500,000 names in search of the ‘presidential Adam.’ She intended to put together the pieces to form a family tree. BridgeAnne’s 80-year-old grandfather has been tracing roots for nearly six decades. He supported her in making the presidential links.
Before her research study, genealogists linked 22 families of presidents. However, they only kept their focus on male bloodlines. BridgeAnne started with George Washington, the first U.S. president. She traced family lines of both males and females to connect the dots. King John is apparently the 15th great-grandfather of George Washington.
Eighth president of the US, Martin Van Buren is reportedly the only one not linked to King John. When searched, President Martin had Dutch roots.

The 12-year-old also discovered that she is the 18th cousin of President Obama. With pure excitement, she even wrote a letter to Obama and shared her new findings. However, she only received a generic reply from the White House.
Just like the common gene that ties them all, BridgAnne believes that there is something else that binds them together. “They all have the trait of wanting power.”
This research not only highlights the connections of those who have led the U.S. but also a predominant ancestry of British Isles ancestry. Martin Van Buren was the only exception from this due to his Dutch heritage.

Are Trump and Obama Related To King John?
Yes, even modern Presidents like Barack Obama and Donald Trump trace back to this lineage. King John is supposedly the 25th great-grandfather of Obama. Trump’s ancestry is also believed to be linked to John of Gaunt, a son of King Edward III and a descendant of King John. However, this is not very well documented and doesn’t carry enough supportive evidence.
The Most Royal Candidate Theory
This story takes an even more fascinating turn with Harold Brooks-Baker’s “most royal candidate theory.” The theory suggests that presidential elections could be swayed by candidates’ royal blood percentages.
According to his theory, the winning candidate in the United States presidential elections is decided considering the percentage of “royal blood” in his pedigree. He further says that this pattern is observable and could be used in forecasting who wins exactly. Brooks-Baker shouted his theory to the world for several election cycles. His last announcement was before his death in 2004.
Brooks also showed examples to support this. Some of such elections are Ronald Reagan vs. Walter Mondale and John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon. Although the theory’s accuracy is debatable, it adds an intriguing layer to American electoral discussions and perceptions of leadership.
BridgeAnne d’Avignon’s findings weave a complex web of familial ties among U.S. Presidents back to King John of England, prompting us to consider the interconnectedness of history and leadership. This discovery not only highlights the fascinating narratives behind public figures but also underscores the value of genealogical exploration in understanding the layers of our past that influence today’s world.
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