Sergio Di Zio net worth & interesting facts of life story

Sergio Di Zio net worth & interesting facts of life story

Who is Sergio Di Zio? He is a Canadian actor. He was born on September 20, 1972. He starred as Michelangelo as “Spike” Scarlett in the Flashpoint television series until the show ended on December 13, 2012.  His other works include The Lookout, Cinderella Man, Senior Trip; TV series This is Wonderland, Northern Town; Stoke…

Was Ricky Vela in love with Suzette Quintanilla?

Was Ricky Vela in love with Suzette Quintanilla?

Ricky Vela is an American musician and songwriter who played the keyboard in the band Selena y Los Dinos. This musician has been active since 1986, and some of his written/co-written songs have reached the Billboard rankings over the years. Ricky Vela’s name resurfaced with the release of the Netflix Series Selena: The Series, which…