What Happened to Jack Rhodes in BGT 2024?

Jack Rhodes is well known for his magic and became runner-up in the BGT 2024 grand finale.

Jack Rhodes BGT 2024
Age (at audition)27 Years
Home TownLake District
Position ReachedRunner-up BGT grand finale 2024.
BGT 2024

“Jack Rhodes won the Golden Buzzer in one of the previous seasons of the BGT show and became runner-up in the BGT 2024 grand finale. You might have come across such sayings. The truth is that, aside from his magic abilities, Jack Rhodes enjoys puzzling people with his acting and video editing abilities. Rhodes is an interesting character and simply a multiple talented guy. Rhodes may not a deaf person but he has proven his abilities as a mind reader during the show. Let’s dig deep!


Jack Rhodes was a nuclear engineer who quit his job to become a magician. Rhodes is known for his magic and editing skills through social media platforms. He even posted a video like he has won the golden buzzer during the Britain’s Got Talent, 2022’s auditions.

Jack’s Biography 

Jack is 27-year-old content creator.

Real Name Jack Rhodes
Age27 Years
ProfessionContent creator (Magic)
BGT 2024

Family & Relationships

Rhodes stated that his father defines him as a “part time wizard and full time moron”. Unlike his father, Rhodes’s wife is understanding and supportive of him through his journey to the magical world.

What happened in America’s Got Talent?


During the last week’s audition, Jack Rhodes entered the show. From his entry point till the end of his performance, the judges’ reactions are like, “what?” “wow” “how?” and “wow!” He even claimed that he was the invisible magician ‘The Phantom’ from the previous auditions. Rhodes, not only performed his magic tricks on the show; he was also puzzling the viewers with his tricks and expressed his skills as a comedian.

When Rhodes asked Simon to write a word on the card, he has written the word “cucumber”. On the other hand Rhodes written the word “minted” on another card and hand it over to Bruno. With his magic abilities, Rhodes replaced the places of the cards. He also predicted that Simon would write the word “cucumber” on the card. The interesting part here is that he predicted it six months ago from the day of the audition. 

The play he made after he performed the magic tricks with the cards was hilarious, and the supportive character wearing a black outfit was acting funny. He was hiding himself on the floor, crawling up to the stage, and was finally entering the wooden box kept on the stage.

Simon Was Not Happy About The Finishing Touch Of Rhodes’s Performance

Well, Simon was not happy about the finishing touch of the performance and he even said that to Rhodes directly. Clever Rhodes never failed to amaze the viewers. He made the supporting character disappear from the wooden box, who was hiding himself inside the box while ago. That made the finishing touch of Rhode’s performance unforgettable. Simon retracted his earlier claim, clearly enjoying Rhodes’s thrilling final performance.


In the semi-finals, Jack started his performance with a simple card magic trick, then he went into a death box, and when it was about to blow up, he just disappeared. Then he came back from the TV screen. Everyone was stunned by his performance. 

That was much better than what we saw before

Simon Cowell

Alesha Dixon commented, “I loved it,” Bruno Tonioli stated, “so clever, so original,” and Amanda Holden commented, “That was incredible.” According to the public vote, Jack moved on to the finals as the third finalist in BGT 2024.

BGT 2024 Semi-finals

Grand Finale

In the finals, Jack started his performance with a lie detector, then he made Simon Cowell wear it, which was amusing. He just made Amanda’s ring disappear. Then he got it back from Simon’s lie detector cap. Everyone was stunned by his performance. 

We never know what you’re gonna do

Simon Cowell

Alesha Dixon commented, “That was absolutely brilliant.” Bruno Tonioli stated, “You really have star quality,” and Amanda Holden commented, “You are so smart.” According to the public vote, Jack became the runner-up in the BGT 2024 Grand Final.

Social Media


Jack Rhodes, a former BGT participant, and 27-year-old content creator, auditioned for the second episode. He impressed the judges with his performance. His performance got four yeses from the judge’s panel, and he moved on to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals  night 2, he received the highest public vote and captured a spot in the finals. 

Is Jack Rhodes ‘The Phantom’ from 2022 BGT Auditions?

Rhodes claimed himself as ‘The Phantom’ from 2022 BGT auditions. Have you also fallen for it? Most of the viewers believe that his claim was true. Well, Rhodes loves to puzzle people and play mind games to make them believe as per his rules. Jack Rhodes is not the real phantom guy and he himself has made it clear through his most recent YouTube video.

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