Support Your Children in Learning English

7 Best Ways to Support Your Children in Learning English


English is considered the universal language, and its importance cannot be overemphasized. It is the most commonly spoken language worldwide and is a language of business, communication, and travel. Therefore, learning English has become essential, and starting at an early age is considered the best way to learn it. In this article, we will discuss the 7 best ways to support your children in learning English.

1. Enrol Them in an English Language School

Enrolling your children in an English language school is the best way to support their English language learning journey. An English language school like this English language school in Chiang Mai is designed to teach English as a second language to non-native speakers. This school employs experienced teachers who use effective teaching methods and provide a curriculum that is tailored to meet the specific needs of each student. By enrolling your child in an English language school, you give them access to quality education and an opportunity to interact with other students who share similar interests.

2. Encourage Reading English Books

Reading English books is another way to support your children in learning English. Encouraging your children to read English books, magazines, and newspapers can help them expand their vocabulary and improve their reading and comprehension skills. You can start by selecting books appropriate for your child’s age and reading level. You can also read with them to make the experience more enjoyable.

3. Watch English Language Shows and Movies

Watching the English language shows and movies is an excellent way to immerse your children in the English language. It can help them improve their listening skills, pronunciation, and understanding of English expressions and idioms. You can watch shows and movies with them or encourage them to watch on their own. It is essential to choose shows and movies that are appropriate for your child’s age and interests.

4. Play English Language Games

Playing English language games is an enjoyable way to support your children in learning English. Various games can help your children improve their vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. You can use board games, online games, or mobile apps that are designed for English language learners. Playing games with your children can make the learning experience more interactive and fun.

5. Organize English Language Playdates

Organising English language playdates is a great way to help your children practice their English language skills. You can invite other children who are learning English, or native English speakers to play with your children. This will give your children an opportunity to practice their English in a natural setting and improve their communication skills. You can also participate in the playdates to make the experience more enjoyable.

6. Travel to English Speaking Countries

Travelling to English-speaking countries is an excellent way to expose your children to the English language and culture. It can give them a unique learning experience that cannot be replicated in the classroom. You can visit English-speaking countries during school breaks or vacations and immerse your children in the language and culture. This can help them improve their speaking and listening skills and gain a better understanding of English customs and traditions.

7. Use English Language Learning Resources

Using English language learning resources is a convenient way to support your children in learning English. There are various resources available online, such as language learning websites, mobile apps, and YouTube channels that provide interactive and engaging English language lessons. You can use these resources to supplement your child’s classroom learning or as a standalone learning tool.


In conclusion, supporting your children in learning English can be a fun and rewarding experience. By enrolling them in an English language school, encouraging reading and watching English shows and movies, playing games, organizing playdates, travelling, and using learning resources, you can help your children develop their language skills and prepare them for the future. Remember to make the learning experience enjoyable and interactive, and to be patient as your child develops their language skills.

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