Top Bitcoin (BTC) Alternatives

The world’s most popular cryptocurrency may have inspired a generation of digital currencies, but it’s not the only game in town. There are more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies available to buy and sell. Some of these coins are just copycat versions of Bitcoin (called “forked coins”) and others have real innovation behind them that makes them worth exploring. If you want to get started with bitcoin or oil trading, visit Oil Profit review for more information about trading.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin that occurred in August 2017. It has the same transaction history as Bitcoin up until July 23, 2017, and then diverges from it. Bitcoin cash has an 8MB block size versus 1MB for bitcoin. This allows for more transactions to be processed at once, making it faster than bitcoin; this also means lower fees because fewer miners are needed to confirm your transaction.

Another difference is that when you send someone else money using Bitcoin Cash, there’s no need for replay protection. The system automatically ensures that the transaction is only valid on one chain.

Dash (DASH)

Dash is a cryptocurrency based on the Bitcoin protocol and was initially named XCoin. It was rebranded as Darkcoin before becoming Dash in 2015.

The main difference between Dash and Bitcoin is that, unlike the latter, it has a two-tier network that enables instant transactions while providing an option for decentralised governance using master nodes. Users who own 1,000 or more coins can run these masternodes and help verify transactions, which are rewarded with new coins. Because of this unique innovation, Dash has gained popularity as an alternative cryptocurrency to bitcoin. 

Unlike Bitcoin’s fully transparent ledger, where anyone can trace your transaction history back to the beginning of time if they wanted to (and maybe even if you didn’t), Dash maintains privacy by making all transactions private by default when using PrivateSend. This means that you don’t need any special software installed on your computer and must send money from one account to another without worrying about someone spying on what’s happening behind closed doors!


The next on our list is NEM. Like Bitcoin, this cryptocurrency was built using blockchain technology that allows for decentralised digital currency transactions. However, unlike Bitcoin, NEM uses a unique algorithm called “Proof of Importance” instead of Proof of Work or Stake. 

This algorithm allows users who hold more coins and are more likely to stake them over time to receive higher transaction fees when they make payments through the network. This gives users an incentive to hold their coins and spend them wisely since they can increase their chances of receiving higher fees if they don’t use all the coins at once (which would decrease their overall importance).

NEM is also different from other cryptocurrencies because it offers much more flexibility than other blockchains (such as Ethereum). You can use it for any application that requires a blockchain system, such as financial services platforms or supply chain management applications!

Monero (XMR)

Monero has been described as “more private and anonymous” than Bitcoin, which could be more beneficial for those who want to keep their transactions private. It’s also not entirely clear how hard it would be for authorities to crack down on people using Monero if they wanted to.

And you could give someone else some coins in person via QR code or paper wallet. Once you’ve bought some coins, you’ll have access to features such as sending payments directly from your wallet without routing them through an intermediary server .

Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Ethereum Classic is a decentralised platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference.

The original Ethereum protocol was created by Vitalik Buterin and launched via a public crowd sale in 2014. The Ethereum blockchain development has been divided into two phases, with significant changes to its consensus protocol occurring in 2016 and 2017.


Finding the right one can be hard with all the options out there. The important thing is to do your research and find a currency that fits your needs. Also, remember that these are just some of the top cryptocurrencies out there. For trading in these cryptocurrencies, use bitcoin trading software. In this way, investors can do fast and easy trading.

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