Making Quorum with Virtual Meetings

What is a quorum?

A quorum, or the smallest number of board representatives required to conduct a discussion at a meeting, is referred to as a quorum in board terminology. The board may debate issues in the lack of the number of members, but it is not permitted to vote or carry out official work. As certain state laws specify the number, quorum requirements differ per organization and region, but the majority range between one-third to 51 percent of board members. 

Some organizations defend maintaining low quorums because board member participation might be uncertain in order to ensure that board sessions become useful. Low quorums, on the other hand, can result in as few as 2 to 3 persons or sometimes even four people at max that make up 1/3 of the board members. This can result in drastic changes in the course of an organization if four people are to cast a vote from a board committee of twelve members. Naturally, there would not be a fair chance for all board members to speak and present their various viewpoints to a vigorous debate in that situation.

Many condominium corporations run into the same problem while conducting board meetings because many property owners are physically not in the same place or out of town. They fail to meet a quorum, and votes have to be cast without the input of many members. This can result in dissatisfaction and future conflicts if a condominium manager of their choice is not picked, disrupting the entire condo system.

How do virtual meetings help meet quorum?

Virtual meetings can provide useful answers to common issues businesses encounter when gathering their board members, even though they aren’t always ideal for every board or meeting. The problems of regions, particularly for national and multinational organizations, are far beyond the hectic schedules of directors. Obviously, video calls, phone calls, and internet meetings allow members who are unable to be in two places at once to fulfill their board obligations. Several boards gain from the flexibility to include directors in conferences from anywhere, even if losing eye contact and the subtle body language cues that come with proximity can be counterproductive. For example, technology makes it possible for those who wouldn’t normally be able to participate in boards to do so while removing the expense and strain of travel.

Each board member can participate in virtual board meetings from their residence, workplace, or any other location of their choice. Board members can attend remotely using video and audio-conferencing facilities. Virtual remote guests must connect via a personal computer through a link to the meeting in order to hear presentations and contribute their own thought-provoking suggestions to the discussion.

Every board member participates online in a meeting that is entirely digital. As an alternative, boards can adopt a hybrid strategy in which some board members participate in person while others do so virtually. For condominium corporations and mission-driven organizations, the ability to participate remotely offers endless possibilities in either scenario.

A more diversified board is possible thanks to virtual meetings. To begin with, they may maintain the geographic and socioeconomic diversity of your board. Your board can promote increased diversity if persons from different regions of the nation or possibly the world are allowed to attend. You’ll get insightful knowledge from new viewpoints, eventually enabling you to think creatively and make better-informed judgments.

With extra sound and visual features, you may not only include people who are geographically apart but also allow participants who are differently-abled to take part in the online board meeting. This makes it possible for board members with any kind of accessibility requirements to participate in the discussion.

Condominium corporations can take advantage of virtual board meetings to arrange a casual discussion or official meeting no matter what part of the world each board member resides. People can easily own property while traveling the world and also participate in important decisions made by the condominium board of members, such as voting for a new condo manager or discussing the condo’s maintenance. 

How CondoVoter plays its part in meeting quorum?

Condominium corporations can reach quorum through electronic voting and virtual meetings in advance of the start of their meeting. With the support of CondoVoter’s range of tools and services, the platform promotes voting and engages more owners.

Owner’s meetings are held with the intention of promoting participation. Using CondoVoter’s new set of tools, which includes automated alerts and reminders, you can ensure that quorum is met well in advance of your planned meeting. Adding more applicants is straightforward, using their website for application submission. The management is relieved of these tedious tasks by CondoVoter, which streamlines the process. When introducing electronic voting, CondoVoter delivers complete transparency and accountability from beginning to end and saves owners from all sources of anxiety and stress, helping to provide stability throughout the process.

Real-time information on the status of your vote is available on their virtual portal. The number of users, the quorum, the outcomes of the vote, and the percentage of owners that still need to vote are all visible to users. Candidate registrations may be processed through CondoVoter’s website, and participants will also have access to other vital materials, including call-in information and invitations to virtual meetings. With CondoVoter, you can make every aspect of your next meeting more transparent.


It can be a tedious task to gather every member or owner of the condominium board to participate in an official meeting. Every owner has a different schedule and might not be able to make it in time for the meeting or would have to spend money on transportation services to reach the venue. All these problems frequently arise in condominium corporations, making it difficult to reach a quorum and make unanimous decisions. However, with the help of virtual meeting software, such as CondoVoter, it is much easier for the board to arrange a meeting that everyone can join, no matter what part of the world they reside in. People can now easily own property and participate in important decision-making meetings regarding the condo. Contact CondoVoter today to learn more about your business. 

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